TempSure Vitalia

TempSure Vitalia is part of the TempSure system of skin

tightening and rejuvenation. This process is a pain free and

surgery free way to tighten and tone your vaginal area inside and
out, increasing your confidence, sex drive, and pleasure.

Dr. Karp Was on Top Docs Show & Podcast

What is TempSure Vitalia?

TempSure Vitalia works by jump-starting your body’s natural collagen production, which in turn rebuilds areas that have experienced collagen loss due to childbirth, injury, or menopause.

The Vitalia system is a comfortable probe that uses specially designed radio frequencies to stimulate the vaginal canal, telling your body to produce new collagen and elastin in treated areas – both internally and externally. After your Tempsure Vitalia procedure, you may expect to see:


  • An improvement in your sexual well-being
  • An increase in vaginal and labial tightening
  • An increase in vaginal lubrication and sensitivity
  • A decrease in urinary or incontinence problems
  • A decrease in pain during intercourse
  • Increased confidence in your vaginal well-being

At LaserSkin MedSpa, we use Vitalia to address a range of different feminine concerns. Whether you struggle with some or all of these issues, this treatment can provide you with the relief you’ve been looking for. The concerns we tackle the most with this device include:


What is TempSure Vitalia

Who is TempSure Vitalia for?

If you experience lack of confidence, a dull sex drive, painful intercourse, or incontinence, you may be a candidate for TempSure Vitalia. No need to worry about surgery, recovery, downtime, or hiding from your peers while you heal. TempSure Vitalia removes the need for all of that.

When you come in for your initial consultation, Dr. Karp and our team will discuss your medical history and find out what your exact needs are from the TempSure Vitalia treatment before setting a plan.

Our practice is committed to staying on top of the latest advancements in women’s healthcare and looking for the most cutting-edge, safest, and effective solutions for our patients.

We researched various modalities and discovered that TempSure Vitalia was a solution that could quickly address many of these symptoms and has been shown to be both effective and safe. The TempSure Vitalia treatment is a non-invasive, non-hormonal and chemical-free solution for women’s wellness. TempSure Vitalia uses radio-frequency energy to gently heat tissue to rejuvenate collagen in the vaginal walls, without discomfort or downtime.

Check out some of our other incredible services here!

Tempsure Vitalia wand

How is TempSure Vitalia performed?

“The only true temperature-controlled radiofrequency probe for women’s wellness. The TempSure Vitalia probe is specifically designed for your patient’s smaller, hard to reach areas. Now you can provide your patients with easy treatments to maintain their wellness without hormones, invasive procedures or downtime.”

How is TempSure Vitalia performed